
Top-notch quality

Painting Made Easy

Save More Time & Money

Unmatched customer service

Environmentally friendly

Innovative Painting Tools

But don’t just take our word for it!

We let our customers speak for us.

  • ❝ The Clean Sleeve saves me so much time at the end of my day. After a long day, I hated having to clean my roller sleeves because there was no good way to do it. But with the Clean Sleeve, it's fast and easy. The Clean Sleeve removes more paint in one stroke than any other tool I've used does in ten strokes. Then it pulls out so much water that my sleeves dry in half the time. Love this tool! ❞

    - Brady

    ProStokes Painting | @prostrokespaint

  • ❝ I was excited to get these on our shelves. I looked through all the Ace Hardware catalogues and there's nothing like this anywhere. I can't believe there were no tools to clean a roller sleeve until now. What a great tool!❞

    - Cheryl

    Buyer, Ace Hardware

  • ❝ I got a sample Clean Sleeve and set it on the desk to see what reactions I would get. So many customers picked it up and wanted on that I decided to stock the Clean Sleeve. Before ordering, I tried it myself and it does exactly what it promises. Cleans the roller in seconds, pulls it off the cage, and takes out the water in seconds. Excited to have this tool on my shelves. ❞

    - Jamie

    Manager, Sherwin Williams

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